Attention, soldiers! Prepare for an extraordinary night of unpredictable mayhem in the Modern Warfare 3 Random Rumble—an event where every round brings new challenges and unexpected twists to the battlefield.
Join us on 12/16 at 3pm for this action packed event!

1. Speed Demon
Increased player aiming speed.
2. One Shot Wonder
Snipers only—precision is key.
3. Close Quarters Chaos
Shotguns and melee weapons only.
4. Blind Fire Blitz
Hip-fire Only
5. Explosive Mayhem
Grenades and launchers only.
6. Adrenaline Rush
Increased Health Regeneration
7. Heavy Artillery
LMG's and RPG's Only
8. Pistols at Dawn
Pistols Only
9. Tactical Warfare
Tactical Equipment Only
10. Melee Mania
Melee Only